Solgar Boswellia Extract 60 Capsules
Solgar Boswellia Extract contains Boswellia, also known as Frankincense, and is one of Solgar's Botanical range products.
Solgar's Botanicals are carefully selected from plants growing in the wild or cultivated on special botanical farms. The finest, freshest botanicals are chosen based on a strict set of criteria such as the geographical origin of the raw material, the authentication of the species and the qualities of the raw material. Botanicals have been used by mankind since early history as the beneficial effects of food beyond their nutrient function have been recognised since early times. They have been used through centuries to maintain health and a lot of today's medicines were originally derived from botanicals. Botanicals are still the basis for Chinese medicine and are important constituents of many European natural remedies. As Hippocrates said, Let thy food be thy medicine, thy medicine be thy food'.
Boswellia resin is derived from the Boswellia trees, and is also know under the name Frankincense. This tree is native to India and the acid in produces is believed to have strong anti-inflammatory benefits, supporting the immune system. There are over 20 different species of Boswellia. The ones which produce resin are made into oils which are classified in different grades depending on the time of year of harvest, how extraction and processing has been performed and the purity of the oil. Boswellia Resin Extract is made from Boswellia Serrata, which contains most of the Boswellia acids. Boswellia has been used for centuries and is believed to support joint health.
As an herbal food supplement for adults one (1) to two (2) Capsules daily, preferably at mealtime, or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.
Each vegetable capsule provides: Standardised Boswellia Resin Powdered Extract(227.5mg [65%] boswellic acids)350mg Raw Boswellia Resin Powder100mg PhytO2X (powdered blend of beta-carotene prep. and ascorbic acid), PhytO2X ä is a special blend of natural antioxidants, the purpose of which is to maintain the freshness of the ingredients.