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Vitamin C Immune System Benefits
When you are developing a cold, have you ever considered taking Vitamin C supplements? Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that our body requires. Although it is found in a variety of food, taking supplements can help people to meet their daily intake requirements. The power of Vitamin C is often associated with its vital role as an antioxidant, and it also performs a range of additional physiological and biological roles with the main role being immune system benefits. We have put together a list of 5 critical functions that Vitamin C helps to achieve. After learning about them, you will understand why such a large amount of people take Vitamin C supplements for immune system support.
- Firstly, Vitamin C supports the production of interferons. Interferons are produced when pathogens are recognized by the body, and they enable cells to release protective cellular defences.
- Another function of Vitamin C is that it enhances the function of phagocytes. Phagocytes are a type of white blood cell that envelop pathogens and other dangerous invaders. Once these invaders are captured by the Phagocytes they are digested by enzymes.
- Vitamin C helps the cell-mediated immune response in two different ways: cell-mediated and antibody-mediated immunity. Cell-mediated immunity is a process whereby macrophages, also known as natural killer cells, are activated. After that, antigen-specific T-lymphocytes will attack anything that is believed to be a foreign agent to the body.
- Vitamin C also acts as an antioxidant by neutralising oxidative stress. Since oxidative stress is linked to a variety of health threats, people take Vitamin C supplements for immune system support when they are affected with lifestyle factors that create this type of stress.
- Finally, Vitamin C intensifies cytokine production by white blood cells. Cytokines, also known as communication proteins, are released by specific white blood cells which send information to other cells that encourage the body's immune response.
If you are Vitamin C deficient there are various symptoms which include bruising, poor skin condition and fatigue. Having low Vitamin C is often due to having a poor diet, the climate as well as socio-economic factors. It is recommended to have a daily intake of around 100-500mg of Vitamin C to support healthy skin, gums, bones and general bodily functions.
Discount Health Store offer a wide range of Vitamin C supplements, since individuals need a different intake of Vitamin C depending on their age and health. Vitamin C is also available as a power, liquid or capsule, which allows flexibility for people’s preferred method of consumption.
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